Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo

San Antonio (Tex.)

Photographs from the collection of Ayres and Ayres, undated

Rose window restoration detail drawings by Ayres and Ayres, undated

Landscape design drawings by H.E. Kincaid, 1934

Drawings used to illustrate thesis: Mission Architecture of Texas by Robert Leon White, 1930

Granary restoration drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1932

Restoration drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1933

Restoration field notes and drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1934

Church and convent restoration drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1934-1936

Mill drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1934

Mill alterations and additions, drawing by Harvey P. Smith, 1936

Drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1936

Alterations and additions drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1936

Alterations and additions drawings by Harvey P. Smith, 1937

Restoration drawing by Harvey P. Smith, 1948

Church altar drawing by Harvey P. Smith, 1948

Church tabernacle and cross drawing by Harvey P. Smith, 1948

Church reredos and altar drawing by Harvey P. Smith, undated

Landscape plan drawings by Harvey P. Smith, undated