
In this virtual exhibition, three collections are presented that include the bibliographic material generated from the institutional work of the Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado (Human Rights Office of the Archbishop).

The digital exhibition is divided into three collections that together dignify the victims of the internal armed conflict, the purpose is to keep memory alive; as Monsignor Juan Gerardi says: "Mientras no se sepa la verdad, las heridas del pasado continuarán abiertas y sin cicatriza" (As long as the truth is not known, the wounds of the past will remain open and unhealed).

Within this exhibition you will be able to access the Report of the Proyecto lnterdiocesano Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica, Guatemala Nunca Más (Interdiocesan Project for the Recovery of Historical Memory, Guatemala Nunca Más), which analyzes several thousand testimonies on human rights violations that occurred during the internal armed conflict. This work is based on the conviction that, in addition to its individual and collective impact, violence deprived Guatemalans of their right to speak.

This exhibit is made up of 27 publications on topics of historical memory, human rights and culture of peace.

The exhibit was developed by the Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado.